Costs and Location


High school: Monthly tuition is determined by the status of the student. Home-school (part-time) students pay $60 per class per month.  Full-time students pay $50 per class per month ($250 for all five classes).

Middle school: Monthly tuition is a flat $250 fee per month for enrollment in all middle school classes (Bible, Writing/Grammar, Nature as Numbers, and Arithmetic). Unlike the high school program, middle school is an integrated curriculum that only accepts full-time status.

Enrollment fee: There is a one-time enrollment fee of $100 per family, which helps towards office expenses and the use of the building.

Books: Parents are responsible to obtain the books needed for each course, whether through purchasing (new or old) or through borrowing (e.g. church library, inter-library loan).  Parents are also encouraged to contact other parents, who may have previously purchased these books.

Scholarships: Families that are unable to pay full tuition should apply for tuition assistance through the Matthew Burrow Scholarship Fund at Countryside Bible Church.


Classes meet at Countryside Bible Church, northeast of Jonesville, Michigan on Litchfield Road.  The church facility is equipped with classrooms, a kitchenette, and a gym for midday recreation.

In case of emergencies, call the school at (517) 849-9339.